My first angelic encounter
Hello..... today I thought I’d share with my first angelic experience, which happened back in July 2016, I was struggling with my health feeling very ill and exhausted I was watching tv in bed and suddenly before my eyes in our tiny box room a angel appeared. There was no mistaking what this beautiful vision was, it was so peaceful I felt so calm at the time, there was no sound, no message this first time. Just a beautiful imagine so gentle and ethereal. With all the traditional things you would expect a angel to have, halo, a beautiful golden gown. wings, such a beautiful light feeling. I felt this knowing, that i had to try and draw this image straight away, despite feeling so very ill, I made myself get out of bed and go and find some art supplies. I grabbed some pastels as I thought that would be the quickest way to try capture what I had seen. I’m no great artist, but the image just seemed to flow through my hands. As to why this ability evolved at that time, I d...