My first angelic encounter

Hello..... today I thought I’d share with my first angelic experience, which happened back in July 2016,   I was struggling with my health feeling very ill and exhausted I was watching tv in bed and suddenly before my eyes in our tiny box room a angel appeared.

There was no mistaking what this beautiful vision was, it was so peaceful I felt so calm at the time, there was no sound, no message this first time. Just a beautiful imagine so gentle and ethereal.

With all the traditional things you would expect a angel to have, halo, a beautiful golden gown.

wings, such a beautiful light feeling. I felt this knowing, that i had to try and draw this image straight away, despite feeling so very ill, I made myself get out of bed and go and find some art supplies.

I grabbed some pastels as I thought that would be the quickest way to try capture what I had seen.  I’m no great artist, but the image just seemed to flow through  my hands.

As to why this ability evolved at that time, I do not know but after that the images and messages started coming think and fast, I was feeling a little conflicted about it at the time as I would never have considered myself a religious person. 

I’ve just been looking back at my journal to see what date I saw the angel 😇 and I found this entry 

‘It’s been a funny old week, a couple of days ago, I had, I don’t know a vision/visitor.  I think it was a angel. I felt such a need to draw what I had seen, so I went straight to the summerhouse and found my pastels.   
That night I think i saw another angel, it’s so hard as I’m not sure if my imagination is working overtime ‘

I noted down that afterward I was a little freaked and slept with a rose quartz and a lapis lazuli for protection under my pillow.

In hindsight I now look at the image knowing a little more about the gentle colours and there meanings

.  Pink to represent Love and peace, I felt like i’d been wrapped in lovely pink cotton wool.

My golden angel I can’t  say for sure who it was.  But gold and the yellow Ray represent wisdom, sensitivity,  intuition, enlightenment and peace

So thats all very lovely and kind of apted for my abilities starting to develop.

Ok so that’s it,  I've Put it out there eek. As you can see it’s taken me four years to get to a place where I feel I can be brave and share this with the world.

I’d love to hear in the comments of any experiences you may have had ? Or just say Hi so I know who’s out there. 

Please be kind

Love and light

 Clare x


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