This weeks crystals

 Hello.....  so every week, I select some crystals to work with, I usually chose them during a meditation, instinctively selecting the right crystals I need to support me and my recovery.  It’s uncanny, I then look them up online or in my little crystal bible book and usually they are the prefect mix of what I need to support me emotionally, physically and spiritually.

I'm loving learning about all the different crystals.

This week I selected a lot of darker crystal, the not so shiny and bright ones which are still beautiful in there own right.

The darker stones such as Black Tourmaline Snowflake obsidian Tiger Iron and Brecciated Jasper are associated with the root or base chakra and ground us. 

There is even a sweet little Garnet there (botton right) a great one for energising and regeneration .  Exactly what I needed,  I think we can all do with some of that, at this current time.

With Mercury still in retrograde until the 12th July and the effects still felt until about the 26th July, I think we can all do with some extra grounding.

Lots of blue crystals too, assosciated with the throat chakra.  Communications can get in such a muddle when Mercury is in retrogade so we really have to watch our words thoughts and even written communications

It can throw our emotions into such a spin, so it's a time to reflect  and think before you speak, not a time for action and rushing in. A time to reconsider our attitudes and values, do they still hold true to who we are ? do we want to carry them forward with us? or can we release what no longer serves. 

The green crystals represent the heart, and we will need to listen deeply to our hearts true calling, what with all this reflecting and releasing.

The angles say 'dear one you no longer need to carry all that load, put down what no longer serves so you can move forward freely with the lessons they have taught you, but without all the burdens.'

All this weeks crystal should be a great help with all of this. 

Thanks for reading

love and light

Clare xx


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